Baillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund supports local sporting groups Published on 12th August 2015

The Baillie Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund is delighted to announce that it has recently been able to provide support to a number of worthy local causes, including Caithness Rugby Football Club and Pentland Canoe Club.

The Fund granted support to Pentland Canoe Club to purchase four new kayaks. Club chairman Ben MacGregor said: “This will increase the accessibility of the sport to individuals living in the area.  Two kayaks will be dedicated to being used during training sessions in Thurso Swimming Pool and the remaining kayaks will be used for outdoor sessions by beginners on lochs, gentle rivers and sheltered coastlines.”

Keeping with the sporting theme, the Fund also granted support to Caithness Rugby Football Club to purchase training software for its Junior Rugby Academy. Speaking about the award, club secretary Lorna McDiarmid said: “The software which we have purchased for our Junior Rugby Academy will enable the young players to do classroom type studying on video footage of training and matches. Their coaches will then be able to help the players analyse the footage and pick out key learning points.  This is a very powerful tool in the ongoing development of those talented youngsters, who will be the future of Caithness Rugby Club.”

Fund chairman James Manson said: “The directors are delighted that the Fund is able to continue supporting worthy causes in the local area. Helping young people develop their sporting abilities is hugely important, and we were pleased to offer support to two worthy sporting organisations which will help young people in the West Caithness area.”

Finally, the Fund continues to offer support to a number of village and community halls in the West Caithness Community Council area, including Forss, Lieurary, Reay and Scrabster.

Mr Manson said: “Supporting village halls within the West Caithness area is also of great importance to the Board. These halls are important community hubs, and we are pleased to help them continue to serve the West Caithness community.”

Baillie Windfarm Community Benefit Fund
Naver Business Centre, Naver House, Naver Road, Thurso

Registered in Scotland: SC455608

T: 01847 500105

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